The Bureau of Land Management Tuesday announced a second call for public nominations over a 30-day period to fill three positions on its national Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. To be considered for appointment, nominations must be submitted via email or fax by December 18, 2014, or postmarked by the same date. The BLM announced its second formal request for nominations in Tuesday's Federal Register. .

According to a news release, those who have already submitted a nomination in response to the first call for nominations do not need to resubmit. All nominations from the first and second calls will be considered together during the review process.

Nominations are for a term of three years and are needed to represent the following categories of interest: wild horse and burro advocacy, veterinary medicine (equine science), and public interest (with special knowledge of protection of wild horses and burros, management of wildlife, animal husbandry, or natural resource management).

The BLM manages wild horses and burros as part of its overall multiple-use and sustained-yield mission. Under the authority of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, as amended, the BLM manages and protects wild horses and burros while ensuring that population levels are in balance with other public rangeland resources and uses.

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